The Jamii Kwanza initaitive USA

is a nonprofit organization located in Bluffton, Ohio that aims to empower Tanzanian Communities through JKI-Tanzania by providing access to education, healthcare, clean water, and economic opportunities with focus on sustainable development and social equality for children and families and the environment in which they live.


To create a world where every Tanzanian can access essential services, education, and opportunities, fostering strong communities and sustainable development.


To empower Tanzanian communities by providing access to education, healthcare, clean water, and economic opportunities, with a focus on sustainable development and social equity for children and families through Jamii Kwanza Initiative Tanzania by mobilizing resources, funds and donations.



To empower Tanzanian communities through JKI-Tanzania by providing access to education, healthcare, clean water, and economic opportunities, with a focus on sustainable development and social equity for children and families and the environment in which they live.





Resource Mobilization

To raise funds and gather resources through various means such as donations, grants, and partnerships, ensuring a sustainable flow of support for the Jamii Kwanza Initiative in Tanzania.


Advocacy and Awareness

To raise awareness about the challenges faced by Tanzanian communities and advocate for sustainable development and social equity both within the United States and internationally.


Partnership Building

To establish and nurture partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, corporations, and other stakeholders interested in supporting and advancing the goals of the Jamii Kwanza Initiative in Tanzania.


Capacity Building

To enhance the capacity of the Jamii Kwanza Initiative in Tanzania by providing technical and financial support and promoting best practices in community development.


Monitoring and Evaluation

To regularly assess and evaluate the impact of resources mobilized and projects undertaken, ensuring transparency and accountability in our efforts.


Sustainability and Long-Term Impact

To work towards self-sustainability by supporting income-generating activities and projects that have a lasting positive impact on the communities served.

Core Values

Community Connection

Our actions are rooted in a shared sense of purpose within our community. It is our collective responsibility to honor and uplift each other in all aspects of our lives, expressing gratitude for the bonds that unite us. Our goal is to foster transformation and support individuals in their journey to cultivate excellence, stewardship, and sustainable growth in all their endeavors.

Community Development

We cultivate a fervent commitment to leadership, peace, justice, and the transformation of our community. Our goal is to foster a sense of shared purpose and collective well-being.


Our commitment lies in empowering individuals, groups, communities, and leaders through development, training, and equipping. This empowerment is geared towards the holistic transformation of Tanzanian communities.

Unyielding Integrity

We uphold unwavering integrity, embracing authenticity, accountability, and trustworthiness in our words, actions, emotions, spirituality, and overall conduct. Our commitment to integrity is steadfast in all aspects of our organizational life.

Respectful Partnerships

We hold deep respect for partnerships characterized by diversity and creativity in addressing the complex social and spiritual challenges facing the Tanzanian community. This collaborative spirit aims to leverage and maximize both human and financial resources.

Stewardship Excellence

We place a high value on trustworthy stewardship and unwavering adherence to the highest ethical standards. Our goal is to be reliable stewards of all resources entrusted to us, embodying integrity in our words, deeds, and conduct.

Service with Humility

Whether as individuals, team members, or colleagues, our approach involves transforming, developing, and empowering leaders while respecting individual cultural differences. We prioritize open communication, innovation, and personal growth, always serving with humility.


About the Founder

Daniel Migera serves as the CEO and founder of the Jamii Kwanza Initiative organization in Tanzania and USA. Driven by a fervent desire to impact lives positively and a profound dedication to community development, Migera has devoted his life to empowering individuals and fostering sustainable communities. He has garnered recognition for his endeavors in advancing educational opportunities, ensuring access to clean water for all, promoting economic development, and advocating for social justice and human rights. Through his exemplary leadership and skills, Migera has emerged as a respected voice not only in Tanzania but also beyond, inspiring numerous individuals to join him in the mission of create a better world for everyone.

“I believe true changes starts with me, and together we can make a difference by changing one’s life.”


We Have Work In More Than 55 Countries To Strenthen Equality

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No Pollution
Clean water
Good health
Animal Habitat

Help is our main goal !!

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We've Funfed 13,500 Chairt Projects For 25M People Arpund The World !

We are a non-profit organization registered in the USA, located in Bluffton, Ohio that aims to mobilize resources, collect donations and support the Jamii Kwanza Initiative HQ office in Tanzania. 

Contact Information

Feel free to contact and reach us !

Office Location

New Jersey

South wales




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